Brewing Success: Putting Irish Craft Breweries on the Map!
60 craft breweries listed in new online Irish beer directory
Today, a new interactive database of Irish craft breweries was launched to encourage people to seek out local brews and learn more about the provenance of their favourite beer. The new #IrishBeerMap can be viewed on irishbeer.ie and participating breweries are being profiled on @IrishBeerMap on Instagram.
The resource, which can be viewed as a database or map interface, features sixty microbreweries who are taking part in the nationwide initiative. It includes information about each participating brewery, their product range and links to further information. The initiative aims to highlight the abundance of quality, independent craft breweries that are located throughout the country and Irish consumers are being encouraged to seek out local brews in their locality or holiday destination.

Local brews
Similar to ‘wine terroirs’ in other countries, the Irish Beer Map has the potential to build provenance of Irish beers and to directly link breweries to distinct regions for residents and holidaymakers. With sixty breweries currently listed on the Irish Beer Map, this demonstrates the breadth and expertise of craft brewing within Ireland which has exploded over the last fifteen years.
Local breweries are part of the fabric of their communities, providing positive impacts from an economic, social and environmental perspective to the surrounding regions. The vast majority of breweries participating in the initiative have sustainability measures on-site and are committed to developing further efficiencies in their operations.
About the map
The Irish Beer map aims to raise awareness of the vibrant Irish microbrewing industry and to encourage consumers to seek out local beers wherever they are. The Irish Beer map is created in conjunction with the Independent Craft Brewers of Ireland (ICBI) and is supported by Bord Bia. Craft breweries who are not yet listed on the map are asked to register interest using the website contact form.
Visit irishbeer.ie to discover independent breweries nationwide
#IrishBeerMap | @IrishBeerMap